Toenail mildew as someone's skin name indicates is a hardship of the Toenail and the other name by which the disease is called is Onychomycosis. The nail fungus becomes a confirmed disease even if it is not treated at daybreak fair to middling. The nails for the simulated sponger are infected at the end of one's tether the fungal organism which is a microorganism and so you will not perceive that you have been affected with the disease winning transmitted to first signs of the disease start appearing.
Signs of Nail fungus
The first sign is a change in the color of the nail. From being white or cream color, the nail slowly starts becoming yellow in color. This change in color is also associated with foul smelling discharge in many people because of the infection that has occurred in the nail. The change in the color and the smell than emanates from the nail can cause you to feel disgusted and if you are disgusted with your own nail, then just imagine what other people will feel. This is the main reason for people who are suffering from this disease to feel frustrated with the chronicity of the disease and to try and get it cured as soon as possible.
Prevention of toe nail fungus
The fact is that even before you get affected by toe nail fungus, you should have prevented it from occurring. There are certain methods that you can follow to prevent this infection. Even if you are under treatment for toe nail fungus, you should know about the preventive aspects because once the nail fungus is cured, you should be able to prevent it from recurring again. The most common methods of preventing nail fungus include keeping your nail clean and dry at all times because the fungus usually grows in wet or damp conditions. You should also make sure that you do not expose your feet to water in crowded areas and public toilets as it can rapidly spread from one person to another.
Treatments for Toe nail fungus
In case you have not been able to prevent this disease and are suffering from toe nail fungus, then as soon as you realize the presence of the disease, you should try to get it treated. There are various treatment options that are available. There are some common medications like Zeta clear which is available in liquid form. Other than this, Nail-Rx and also FUNGINIX can be used to treat the condition. The Zeta clear needs to be applied over the affected nail at least two times each day. It is applied as a nail polish over the affected nails.
Alternate therapies
As you get the treatment done with medications, you can also try to use various generic drugs like ZETA CLEAR and also other alternate therapies. As you know the disease is very chronic and if you try more than one treatment at the same time, then you will have a higher chance of getting the nail cured from the fungal infection. Remember that early treatment is the best option and do not discontinue the treatment as it could exacerbate the condition.