Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Plant Medicine Can Effectively Treat The Worst Cases Of Nail Fungus

Nail fungus infections, including referred helter-skelter as onychomycosis, are extremely common. Approximately twelve percent for in all directions from Americans linger from nail fungus. Toenail fungus infections are much upon common than fingernail templet, and are more difficult to sweetmeat. This is because fungi thrive close by dark, caring and moist environments.

The older you are, the more likely you will get nail fungus. Children almost never get nail fungus. Approximately twenty five percent of people age forty are affected, and about fifty percent of all people aged seventy and older. Nail fungus treatment should begin as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the condition will become, and the more difficult to treat.

Nail fungus occurs when fungal organisms are able to get under the nail. This usually occurs when there is a break in the nail itself, or a separation between the nail and the nail bed. Common causes of nail fungus include the following things. The toenail can become weakened from wearing shoes that are too tight. Wearing the same shoes every day increases the chances of getting nail fungus.

The fungi that cause nail fungus are very common in damp public areas. Examples include public showers, locker rooms, and pools. Never walk barefoot in these areas. Jobs or hobbies that cause the hands or feet to be wet or damp for long periods of time can contribute to the growth of fungus. Try to keep the hands and feet as dry as possible. Wear protective gloves and change your socks often.

Trimming the nail too short can result in small cuts allowing the fungus to penetrate. Nail biting can weaken nails and damage protective layers. Fingernail polish also contributes to nail fungus. When you wear nail polish, the nails are not able to breathe. This causes more moisture to be trapped on or under the nail, and helps fungal organisms to thrive.

The nail provides fungus with a strong protective barrier. This barrier makes it difficult for medicine to kill the fungus. As a result, prevention is important. While getting nail fungus is very common, a little prevention can go a long way. The following common sense tips will help you greatly reduce the chances of getting finger nail or toenail fungus.

Wear shoes and socks that are comfortable and not too tight. They should allow the feet to breathe to prevent excess moisture. Keep your feet clean, and wash them regularly. Make sure to thoroughly dry them after washing. Nails need to be kept properly trimmed. Do not cut them to short, or leave them too long. Its best to cut them straight across so the nail comes to the end of the toe.

Wear sandals or other protective shoes in locker rooms or public shower. Daily use of a high quality foot powder. Avoid tight hosiery. It usually contributes to moisture. Regularly disinfect nail clippers and other pedicure tools. If you get manicures or pedicures, use your own tools. If you have athlete's foot or jock it, treat it immediately. Otherwise it may spread to other areas of the body.

There are situations where self-treatment is inappropriate. For example, fungus continues to spread to other nails, or spreads to other areas of the body. The infection causes severe pain or discomfort. If following the treatment guidelines above with the recommended medication doesn't resolve the suspected fungal infection, you should consult with a doctor.

One of the biggest mistakes we see in nail fungus treatment is using a home remedy. Many people spend months or years trying different home remedies, only to find that the condition has worsened. Home remedies such as bleach, vinegar, rubbing alcohol, Vicks VapoRub and Listerine are rarely effective. Using bleach can be dangerous as it can damage live tissues.

Prescription nail fungus treatments include Sporanox, Lamisil, Griseofulvin and Penlac. All of these treatments have limited effectiveness, and can have severe life threatening side effects. For this reason, many people choose to live with nail fungus rather than treat it. Fortunately, there are other treatments that are both effective and safe.

Plant medicine for nail fungus is an all-natural treatment that is extremely effective. This treatment contains several anti-fungal ingredients that combine to effectively treat even the worst cases of nail fungus. As this treatment is quickly absorbed into skin tissue without causing harmful side effects, it is ideal for eradicating nail fungus. Nothing delivers such power, strength, and effectiveness as plant medicine to eliminate nail fungus. To learn more, please go to